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Writer's pictureSujatha Jayachandran

Mind-Body Connection, Psycho Neuroimmunology

Updated: Jun 19

Enough has been said about positive thinking, especially when one is down with an illness. Over the past decade, a new approach to curing a disease has emerged, gaining more momentum, and the role of the mind in the same. Psychoneuroimmunology.

Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is a multidisciplinary field that studies the connection between the nervous system, the immune system, the endrocrine system, and the mind.

It seeks to understand how our thinking processes and state of mind affect the immune system and how the mind alters the function of immunological activity in individuals. PNI determines the connection between the mind and the body. Disortion in this connection is what results in illness.

Dr. Robert Ander coined the term pychoneuroimmunology in 1975 to show that there is a link between the way people think and their health.

Research from the late 20th and 21st centuries indicates that there is a connection between strong emotions like fear, anger, and hatred and our immune system. There is a lot of research showing how the nervous system interacts with the immune system, which defines the health of a person.

When there are a lot of negative emotions, there is an excess of adrenaline and cortisol hormones secreted in the body, which weakens the immune system. Stress can make people more susceptible to illness, which triggers the body's "sickness" response. This response causes a fever, reduced appetite, anxiety, and the release of stress hormones like cortisol. Long-term stress can lead to gastrointestinal disorders, HIV infection, psoriasis outbreaks, cardiac disease, and cancer.

We have always been told by our ancestors for centuries to have a positive outlook on life, and it is part of our culture, which has always insisted on positive thoughts and empathy for the betterment of us as a whole being. This attitude is said to inculcate good thoughts. But we as human beings strayed from this developing intolerance, resulting in fear, anger, hatred, worry, and, in modern times, stress. Greed in attaining wordly things and never-ending desires have always been a part of our lives, resulting in more dissatisfaction. All of these negative states of mind result in the development of illness, compromising overall health and happiness.

Psycho-neuroimmunology helps in healing a disease. Altering our thoughts, beliefs, and consciousness to be disease-free, which are communicated to our brain and nervous system as signals and, in turn, influence the immune system at the cellular level, is no longer a pseudoscience.

Psychological neuroimmulogy can be achieved through the use of Bach Flower Remedies.

The Bach Flower System is a flower-based remedy that was developed in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach, a successful physician and microbiologist in London who believed that emotional well-being was key to good health. There are 38 Bach Flower Remedies made from wild flowers. These flower essences, which work with a higher vibrational energy, help us achieve emotional balance and overcome negative emotions. Emotion is nothing but energy in motion. These

Negative states of mind and beliefs are replaced with positive virtues, which helps in developing a positive state of mind and restoring the body's natural ability to heal itself from illnesses.

To achieve your emotional balance and to learn about the Bach Flower Remedies self-healing system, you can reach out to Sujatha Jayachandran, BFRP, an internationally registered Bach Flower Remedies practitioner and founder of Healing Works, Chennai.


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